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When Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed

Dental instrument holding and extracted wisdom tooth

While only 1 in 4 people in the world is born with wisdom teeth, not all of those have to deal with the trails of having them removed.  A common question asked by those who have wisdom teeth is “When should they be removed?”. The answer, for some people, is never. For others, it’s imperative that these additional teeth get removed lest they impact the health of the rest of their teeth or cause greater dental health problems later in their lives.

When Is It Time To Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
There are a number of factors that can help determine if it’s time to get your wisdom teeth removed, and the most common sign is pain caused by tooth crowding.  Unfortunately, there are times when the body sends no such signals to let you know the teeth need to be removed until it’s already causing damage. Below are some indicators as to whether you need to have your wisdom teeth removed.

  • When Your Dentist Says To – We may as well get the easiest one out of the way.  If you’ve had a consultation with your dentist and they’ve determined that your wisdom teeth need to come out, it’s time to start scheduling an appointment.  Dentists have ways of determining when complicating factors are going to occur that aren’t yet apparent, and you should take their advice seriously.
  • Your Mouth Is Too Small For Them – Wisdom teeth are considered vestigial organs, something like the appendix, in that they no longer serve a useful purpose.  Our mouths have continued to shrink over generations, but wisdom teeth, when they appear, don’t respect this smaller space and can crowd your teeth.  This can lead to them cracking, coming out of alignment, or worse. Although some people may have adequate space for them to erupt into, most individuals simply have mouths that are too small to accommodate the extra teeth.
  • They Aren’t Coming In Straight – One of the problems with vestigial organs is they don’t always appear the correct way.  Sometimes wisdom teeth will form crooked, and as they try to ‘erupt’ they will instead be pushing laterally at the neighboring teeth.  This can lead to soreness in the mouth, cracked teeth, and damage to the jaw.
  • They’re Causing Other Health Issues – Wisdom teeth can cause other problems as well, including damage to the jaw in the form of cysts that can cause your jaw to hollow out and inflict damage to the nerves.  You can also have sinus issues, inflamed gums, and other concerns that make it necessary to have them removed.

If you’re experienced issues related to wisdom teeth or other concerns of dental health, it’s time to contact Dr. Shaaban at the Kent Dental Health Clinic for an appointment.  By making an appointment you’ll ensure that your oral health is maintained at a high level and that any issues with things like wisdom teeth are managed quickly. Don’t let your wisdom teeth become a painful and long-standing problem, contact Dr. Shaaban and make an appointment today!