Please read important updated COVID-19 information.

COVID-19 Updates

We are so excited to welcome you back to our clinic! Our primary aim is that our clients and our staff are 100% safe, and that our premises are always prepared to ensure the highest level of safety. We are implementing the directions and guidelines given to us by the Chief Public Health Officer and Royal College of Dental Surgeon of Ontario. Our clinic is also ensuring that the aerosol generation in our operatories is at a minimum, we are using high volume suction during procedures that removes 95% of aerosols, and our air handling system exchanges the air at a very high volume per hour, which will quickly remove the last 5%. We are also placing additional filters in every room, including the waiting area, which will remove bacteria and viruses from the air. In addition, we have added many hand sanitizing stations. To help ensure that we can keep our distance when possible we will also have our staff working in staggered shifts, which will greatly reduce the number of people in our building. Please help us ensure a very safe visit to our clinic by following our guidelines! If you have any questions please feel free to give us a call or email us.

Kent LogoBefore Your appointment

We are going to call you the day before your appointment to both confirm your appointment and to do health/travel screening.

Our staff are also going to request that you wear a mask to the office and take your temperature. To minimize risk of exposure in our office we are asking that unless you are someone vulnerable, or a child, that you attend your appointment alone. If a patient does need to be accompanied, we will only allow one companion.

Before you come to your appointment please ensure that you bring minimal belongings and use the washroom before departing to our office.

Kent LogoEntering the Clinic

When you arrive, you will be greeted by receptionist who will repeat the health screening, take your temperature. We will also ensure you are wearing a mask, we will provide you with a shoe cover, and that you have hand sanitized. Our receptionists will be behind plexiglass screens and will be wearing masks for your protection.

We are seeing patients by appointment only, so if you are having an emergency, please give us a call and avoid coming as a walk in if possible.

If you are coming from nearby, or by vehicle please give us a call from your car, or from your location just before your appointment to avoid congestion in the waiting or you can wait out side the clinic door but inside the building.

Kent LogoIn the Treatment Room

When your dental provider is ready, they will come and collect you from the waiting area and take you directly to the treatment room.keep your mask on until you are in the treatment room.

Once inside the treatment room you will notice that we are wearing more protective equipment than you are used to. This will include gowns, face masks, and eye protection or a face shield. This may look unusual to you as we will be more covered up than what you’re used to but rest assured that you are still being treated by your same friendly team! If you are having work done you will be asked to rinse with a solution.

As always, when your treatment is complete, we will be disinfecting our treatment areas with the same care and attention as usual.

Kent LogoAfter the Appointment

After your treatment is done, we will ask you to place your mask back on. We will book your future appointments in the treatment room and then you will be free to leave the office.

If you have any questions regarding your future appointments, or if there are any billing concerns after your appointment, we will be happy to discuss over the phone, as our aim is to minimize your time in our office. If there is any money owing from your appointment, we will also be call you and let you know how payment can be made.